In the U.S., a person’s health is too often contingent on
factors such as socioeconomic status, race, gender and education. The more
money one has, and the more education, then the more likely you are to be
healthy and the longer you live. Generally women live longer than men but when
it comes to healthcare, women face unequal access and institutionalized sexism
in the healthcare industry. The most dramatic health disparities are the racial
disparities. In the U.S., African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and
Asian Americans all have disproportionally higher rates of chronic diseases,
higher mortality and poorer health outcomes than European Americans. Furthermore
these minority groups have less access to healthcare and receive inferior care
than European Americans.
The image shows graphs and information about life expectancy
from the CDC’s “Health, United States, 2011” report. It suggests that the life
expectancy for a black male in the U.S. is 8 years less than that of a white
male and 6 years less than a Hispanic male. Life expectancy for a black female
is six years less than for a white female and four years less than a Hispanic
female. This is by no means a full picture because Asian Americans, Native
Americans, Pacific Islanders and people of mixed race are left out; but it does
show the seriousness of health disparities in the U.S.
What does all that mean? Well it means that if you are a
rich white woman with at least bachelor’s degree in the U.S. of A. you’ve won
the health and lifespan lottery. If you are a poor black man who didn’t make it
through high school you’re at the bottom of the health and lifespan barrel as a
result of institutionalized classism and racism. Even then; despite the lifespan
advantage a female naturally has due to gender, her access to healthcare is
even lower than that of any male due to institutionalized sexism.
Health in the U.S. paints a messy picture and right now I am
a can of paint about to be splashed all over the canvas. I am embarking on a
career as a Health Coach and Educator and determined to make it more than “just
a job.” I don’t know if I can impact enough lives to make a tangible difference
in this situation, but I’m going to try. Five of the ten leading causes of
death in the United States are preventable “lifestyle” diseases (heart disease,
stroke, respiratory disease, diabetes, kidney disease) and a further four can
be influenced by healthy lifestyles (cancer, Alzheimer’s, influenza/pneumonia,
septicemia) this means 9 out of the 10 leading causes of death can be reduced
dramatically if people learn to lead healthier lives. I can help with that! (The remaining one is unintentional accidents.)
Institutionalized problems like racism, classism and sexism are
big issues and the journey toward change will continue to be long and arduous. While
that journey is taking place we can work from the ground up in changing our own
mindset and culture when it comes to health; that way we’re not dying off from preventable diseases while we wait for the insanity of these inequalities to be
fixed. I will not place the onus of oppression on the oppressed.
Institutionalized racism, classism, and sexism all must be fought and done away
with. Yet, I will use the one advantage I do have, my education, to wage battle
on this problem from where I stand. That’s something we can all do isn’t it? We
can use the gifts we have to make a difference where we are – improve our own
lives, the lives of our loved ones and extend to our community. Hopefully if
enough of us care enough to make a difference, the whole world can be different
CDC’s “Health, United States, 2011” report
Chapter 24. Health and Medicine. Introduction to Sociology. Cragun
R., Cragun D., Konieczny P. (Open source)
Chapter 19. Health and Medicine. Introduction to Sociology.
Openstax College. Rice University (Open source)
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